Kai Oliveras-Zbick

Kai Oliveras-Zbick

Kai Oliveras-Zbick

Kai Oliveras-Zbick

Kai Oliveras-Zbick

Catalogue Design / Art Direction / Photo Post Production / Motion Graphics

Catalogue Design / Art Direction / Photo Post Production / Motion Graphics

Catalogue Design / Art Direction / Photo Post Production / Motion Graphics

Catalogue Design / Art Direction / Photo Post Production / Motion Graphics

Catalogue Design / Art Direction / Photo Post Production 

Katalog für den Deutsch-Katalanen, der jahrelang in der Werbefotografie tätig war und jetzt seinen Focus auf experimentelle Fotografie gerichtet hat. 

Catalogue for the German-Catalan, who was active in advertising photography for many years and has now turned his focus to experimental photography.

Katalog für den Deutsch-Katalanen, der jahrelang in der Werbefotografie tätig war und jetzt seinen Focus auf experimentelle Fotografie gerichtet hat. 

Catalogue for the German-Catalan, who was active in advertising photography for many years and has now turned his focus to experimental photography.

Katalog für den Deutsch-Katalanen, der jahrelang in der Werbefotografie tätig war und jetzt seinen Focus auf experimentelle Fotografie gerichtet hat. 

Catalogue for the German-Catalan, who was active in advertising photography for many years and has now turned his focus to experimental photography.

Katalog für den Deutsch-Katalanen, der jahrelang in der Werbefotografie tätig war und jetzt seinen Focus auf experimentelle Fotografie gerichtet hat. 

Catalogue for the German-Catalan, who was active in advertising photography for many years and has now turned his focus to experimental photography.

Katalog für den Deutsch-Katalanen, der jahrelang in der Werbefotografie tätig war und jetzt seinen Focus auf experimentelle Fotografie gerichtet hat. 

Catalogue for the German-Catalan, who was active in advertising photography for many years and has now turned his focus to experimental photography.


 LET'S PLAY   +49 (0) 179 5 34 43 40   dan@dbsign.de

LET'S PLAY     +49 (0) 179 5 34 43 40
